Tutte le valute

  • BRLReal brasiliano
  • BWPPula del Botswana
  • CADDollaro canadese
  • DKKDanish Krone
  • HKDDollaro di Hong Kong
  • IDRRupia indonesiana
  • ILSNuovo shekel israeliano
  • INRRupia indiana
  • KHRRiel cambogiano
  • KRWWon sudcoreano
  • KWDDinaro kuwaitiano
  • LAKKip laotiano
  • LKRRupia singalese
  • LSLLoti lesothiano
  • MURRupie mauriziane
  • MXNPeso messicano
  • MYRRinggit malese
  • MZNMetical mozambicano
  • NADDollaro namibiano
  • NZDDollaro neozelandese
  • OMRRiyal dell'Oman
  • PHPPeso filippino
  • QARRiyal del Qatar
  • SARRiyal saudita
  • SCRRupia delle Seychelles
  • SGDDollaro di Singapore
  • SZLLilangeni dello Swaziland
  • TNDDinaro tunisino
  • TWDNuovo dollaro di Taiwan
  • VNDDong vietnamita
  • ZARRand sudafricano
  • ZMWKwacha dello Zambia
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Miglior Tariffa Garantita

Avete trovato una tariffa migliore altrove? In questo caso, saremo lieti di offrirvi lo stesso prezzo. E se trovate una tariffa migliore entro 24 ore dalla vostra prenotazione, vi offriremo lo stesso prezzo e aggiungeremo uno sconto del 10%.

*Si applicano Termini e condizioni

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Double the perks. Double the fun.

Enjoy even more extras with the DISCOVERY Loyalty Double Night Credits promotion. Book and stay at any Avani or partner hotel between now and 31 October 2021 and enjoy Double Night Credits for every night you stay. 

Sign up for Double Night Credits today:

Step 1: Register at this link.
Step 2: Once registered, log in to DISCOVERY directly on this website.
Step 3: Book and stay at any of our hotels or resorts from now until 31 October 2021.

Terms and Conditions

  • You must be a DISCOVERY member to participate. Not a member yet? Click here to join DISCOVERY today
  • Members must register, book and stay by 31 October 2021 to earn Double Night Credits.
  • Ineligible rates are not included.
  • Double night credits count toward DISCOVERY tier status only and will not count toward additional Avani or partner brand rewards or promotions, or Local Experience awards.
  • Additional night credits earned during the Double Night Credits promotion do not qualify for rollover benefits.
  • DISCOVERY membership, rewards and redemption are subject to the programme’s terms and conditions.